Friday, October 1, 2010

Congreve Dis-bound, Part Two: The Journey Towards Restoration

Well, my gentle readers, I have sent the book to a restoration specialist, and he wrote me an email today to let me know that the book arrived safely:


Just to let you know, your copy of Congreve's "The Way of the World" just arrived safely in the mail and looks great!  It will rebind beautifully.  We'll get to this as quickly as possible, and I will keep you posted of our progress and when we're prepared to return ship.  At any point, please feel free to call me if you have any questions.  Thanks again and I'll look forward to speaking with you again soon.

I'm not going to mention who I sent it to just yet, because I have another surprise in store; the next post will be one that you won't want to miss!

Until next time, I wish you the best of luck in your book collecting endeavors!

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